You can do meditation in Osho’s birth house, too.

osho born place

Osho’s birth place

Osho tirth kuchwada
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Osho’s birth house is two-storied, built by plenty of hard woods, about 200 years ago. Such a wooden house is rare at that time. This house’ wall is made from harden mud, because there was no brick nor concrete at that time. The wall’s thickness is over 25cm, so it keeps house pretty much cool even in summer.

We did some repair construction for this house, mainly for the leaking roof, and strengthen a part of wall. But basic foundation was stiff, so you can go upstairs even now.

Still now, there is grandeur atmosphere inside the house, it will lead you to silence and blessing meditation.

Osho’s house outside view

oshohouse out1   oshohouse2

Outside view


Right side of the front

   oshohouse3    house gate

The front gate

  The kitchen door in the right side
   2roof   back 2f
   Upstairs right side veranda  

Upstairs back side veranda

Osho’s house first floor inside view

Osho’s birth place   osho birth house

Osho’s house first floor inside view
On 11 Dec 1931, Osho was born in this room.


Back side room

 for 2floor    2f in
 Back room from the gate (kitchen door right side, entrance for the left room in the back, stairs)    Back room from the gate
Osho’s house second floor inside view
2f2    2f out veranda
 Up room from the stairs    Second floor front veranda
 2f in3    2fin4
 Second floor back room  

Second floor back room